
The CompTIA IT Fundamentals exam focuses on the essential IT skills and knowledge needed to perform tasks commonly performed by advanced end-users and entry-level IT professionals alike, including: • Using features and functions of common operating systems and establishing network connectivity • Identifying common software applications and their purpose • Using security and web browsing best practices The CompTIA IT Fundamentals+ course is intended to help professionals to decide if a career in IT is right for them or to develop a broader understanding of IT. ITF+ is the only course that covers all areas of IT foundations creating a broader understanding of IT making, making it an ideal for non-technical professionals.




• Students considering a career in IT • Professionals working in fields that require a broad understanding of IT. • Marketing, sales and operations staff in IT-based organizations

Course Outcome

On completion of the course, delegates will be able to: Comprehend notational systems, illustrate the basics of computing and explain the value of data and troubleshooting. Comprehend programming language categories, interpret logic, and understand the purpose of programming concepts. Know how to set up and install common peripheral devices to a laptop/PC or secure a basic wireless network. Able to explain database concepts, structures, and purpose, as well as understands methods used to interface. Manage applications software, understand the various components of an operating system and explain the purpose of methods of application architecture. Understand confidentiality, integrity, and availability concerns of secure devices and best practice methods.

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